The scourge of Acne

Acne… the scourge that many of us had to go through in the transition to adulthood. Sometimes it stays with us and even occasionally appears later in life for the first time. Unfortunately, especially in teen years, it can be devastating, when self-confidence is often...

How to treat Rosacea

I have been attending many conferences lately and as well as being involved with the injectables I have taken the opportunity to listen to dermatology updates on what is new.  One of the areas of interest to me has been rosacea.  It is very common among my patients....

Teenage acne

Acne can make even the most confident teenager feel embarrassed about themselves. Whiteheads are worrying, Blackheads are bothersome and Papules and Pustules are positively repulsive!! 5 thing you need to know about teenage acne You’re not alone. 85% of...

Does Microdermabrasion Hurt?

A common question we get in at the clinic is – Does microdermabrasion hurt? You would be forgiven for thinking that having your skin scraped off with a diamond-tipped wand may be painful. But rest assured, professionally operated and high-quality Microdermabrasion...