A common question we get in at the clinic is – Does microdermabrasion hurt? You would be forgiven for thinking that having your skin scraped off with a diamond-tipped wand may be painful. But rest assured, professionally operated and high-quality Microdermabrasion treatments are one of the gentlest, fastest and non-invasive anti-aging treatments available. Your skin may look a little pink after the treatment, but with a little help from your best friend – foundation, you would be able to go back to work after a lunchtime treatment, which usually only takes between 20 and 30 minutes.
What is involved in a Microdermabrasion Treatment
Microdermabrasion treatments are wonderful for stimulating your skin and allowing for the regeneration of skin cells. The treatment works by exfoliating the outer layer of your skin with a diamond-tipped wand, which is then vacuumed away to leave your skin soft, smooth and a more refreshed look.
How Many Treatments Are Needed?
You may be able to start to see improvements in your skin after just two treatments, most often obvious results are seen after five or six treatments. Clients are recommended to have 6 treatments with each treatment booked in a minimum of 2 weeks apart.
Microdermabrasion can be used to help:
- lighten pigment and discoloration;
- aid in fading and softening fine lines;
- help diminish breakouts and treat acne;
- allow hydrating products and other skin care creams to be better absorbed into the skin; and
- boost your complexion and give you a youthful glow.
At the Cosmetic Refinement Clinic, we use state of the art equipment to give you the safest and most effective microdermabrasion treatment. Our Dermal Clinicians are fully qualified and trained in using this equipment so you can rest assured you are in capable hands. To book in for a treatment simply call us on (03) 5221 9920, or send an SMS to 0428 462 299.